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Swarm Of Millions Of Gene-Hacked Mosquitoes Will Be Unleashed Across Usa – To Wipe Out Malaria With Death Sex


MUTANT mosquitoes created in a lab to stop the spread of deadly diseases like malaria will be unleashed across the US this summer.今年夏天,为了阻止疟疾等致命疾病的传播而在实验室制造的变异蚊子将在美国各地释放出来。The gene-hacked bugs, crafted by UK biotech company Oxitec, are designed to kill off or reduce local populations of mosquitoes by mating with them.这种由英国生物技术公司Oxitec制造的基因编辑昆虫,旨在通过与蚊子交配来杀死或减少当地蚊子的数量。Mosquitoes carry diseases like dengue, Zika and malaria which are then passed to anyone bitten by the creepy crawlies.蚊子携带登革热、寨卡病毒和疟疾等疾病,然后传染给那些被其叮咬的人。While the technology has shown promise in lab experiments, experts warn the scheme could go horribly wrong out in the wild.尽管这项技术在实验室实验中显示出了希望,但专家警告说,该计划可能会在野外发生可怕的错误。"These strategies hold considerable potential benefits for the hundreds of millions of people impacted by mosquito-borne diseases each year," a group of scientists and ethicists wrote in The Conversation.

一群科学家和伦理学家在谈话中写道:“这些策略为每年受蚊子传播疾病影响的数亿人带来了巨大的潜在好处。”"However, we are concerned that current government oversight and scientific evaluation of genetically-modified mosquitoes do not ensure their responsible deployment."“然而,我们担心的是,目前政府对转基因蚊子的监督和科学评估并不能确保它们负责任地部署。”Oxitecs controversial scheme was in May approved for "experimental use" in Florida and Texas by the US Environmental Protection Agency.今年5月,美国环境保护局批准了Oxitec在佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州的“试验性使用”计划。Starting this summer, millions of genetically-modified (GM) male mosquitoes will be released every week over the next two years.从今年夏天开始,未来两年,每周将有数以百万计的转基因雄性蚊子被释放。When the lab-bred bugs are released and mate with wild females, their female offspring die.当实验室繁殖的虫子被释放并与野生雌性交配时,它们的雌性后代就会死亡。Only female mosquitoes bite, meaning Oxitecs male-only insects wont spread diseases to people.只有雌性蚊子才会咬人,这意味着Oxitec的雄性昆虫不会将疾病传染给人类。二维码QR Code英语






